Tank Vents & Fittings

Emergency Vents

We have a wide choice of Emergency Vents for providing additional pressure relief to accommodate extraordinary conditions such as fire exposure to a tank or full-open failure of a blanketing valve. We can supply you with a range of Emergency Vents suitable for most industrial applications.

Call Ekotech on 03 9457 3700 for more information.

Pressure Vacuum Vents

Our Tank Vents use a pallet opening and closing system, allowing only the air intake necessary; avoiding any possible tank damage under normal operation. Pressure Vacuum Vents are sometimes known as conservation vents because they reduce the amount of evaporation from a storage tank.


End-of-Line Conservation Vent & Flame Arrester

Series 6240

End-of-Line Vacuum Relief Vent

Series 7800

End-of-Line Emergency Pressure Vent


End-of-Line Conservation Pressure / Vacuum Breather Vent


In-Line Conservation Breather Vent

SERIES 16240

Side-Mount Vacuum Relief Vent

SERIES 17800

Pipe-Away Conservation Pressure Breather Vent

SERIES 18540

Pipe-Away Conservation Pressure / Vacuum Breather Vent


Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Vents. No Exposed Metal Components


Spring Loaded Vents. Set Points of 3 PSIG and Above

Tank Blanketing Valves

Tank Blanketing Valves provide an effective means of preventing and controlling fires in flammable liquid storage tanks. Vapours cannot be ignited in the absence of an adequate supply of oxygen. In most instances, this oxygen is provided by air drawn into the tank from the atmosphere during tank emptying operations.

Tank Blanketing Valves are installed with their inlet connected to a supply of pressurized inert gas (usually Nitrogen), and their outlet piped into the tank's vapour space. When the tank pressure drops below a predetermined level, the blanketing valve opens and allows a flow of inert gas into the vapour space. The blanketing valve reseals when pressure in the tank has returned to an acceptable level. The blanketing gas contains no air. No supply of air (Oxygen) is allowed to enter the tank. The vapours, therefore, never form a flammable mixture.

Tank Blanketing Valves help maintain the vapour space in a non-flammable condition, and also provide make-up gas to insure that the tank's vapour space is not subjected to a vacuum.

Tank Blanketing Valves can also be utilised to protect products such as purified water or cooking oils from contaminants by maintaining a positive pressure in the vapour space of the storage tank.

Gauge Hatches & Specialty Tank Fittings

Ekotech supplies specialty tank fittings including Overflow Valves, Storage Tank Air Dryers (Silica Gel Desiccant Dryers), Floating Suctions and an extensive range of Gauge Hatches (Dip Hatches).